
Cultivating an inquiry based community around Roblox Studio in the elementary library has been demanding but in every way extremely rewarding. Our first focus was to find  ways for students to have frequent access to laptops. This sounds simple but access and the freedom to play have been essential to establishing a student-led Roblox Studio game design community. For adults – parents, teachers and guardians – who are rightly concerned about student welfare in gaming environments, it has also been important to provide clear information so they can understand their role in ensuring student safety.

Continue reading ROBLOX STUDIO : inquiry and learning through play
The Roblox Studio journey in our library.



Early in 2017 a few very enthusiastic elementary students introduced me to a video game building programme called Roblox Studio. They demonstrated how easy it was to download the software onto our library desktop computers and to begin building worlds. They insisted that it was not only about playing video games but about creating and sharing original games. So, cautiously, we gave it a go at recess and lunch breaks. The only guidelines we settled on were: 1. Use a “(re)design <> play ” cycle (rather than just endless play sessions), and 2. We needed to find ways to give the increasing number of interested students fair access and a chance to experience Roblox Studio for themselves. Beyond this, the usual behaviour agreements in the school were sufficient guidelines. So, with a programme completely unfamiliar to myself, these 2 basic agreements, and a small group of avid Roblox Studio creators, a wave of Roblox Studio enthusiasts joined a growing vibrant community of practice that has not waned for a moment in the last 2 years.

Other posts about Roblox Studio:
What is Roblox Studio?
Getting started with Roblox Studio in the classroom or library.
What about child safety?
Why use Roblox Studio?


As I gradually began to see the immense learning opportunities bound up in the Roblox Studio community there was no need to promote it amongst students. Instead, to learn about the platform myself I observed and supervised students to see what would emerge. I reasoned that if it was a genuinely relevant platform, if it was age appropriate, if it offered pathways for students to extend their skills and if it was fun, it would be sustainable. Many programmes and apps come and go promising to offer great learning for kids but fail to engage in the long term. Also, due to the demands of the busy library environment at our school, if Roblox Studio required extensive training, support and technical skill to maintain, it would not be an activity that we could sustain. So I helped to make computers available and supervised the students as we would in any other play setting. I watched how they interacted, what they learned, what they created, how they shared their knowledge, what caught their attention, what was interesting to them, and what they enjoyed playing in Roblox Studio. I observed what they enjoyed creating, what was easiest for them to do, what the more advanced designers were building and coding, what were the common technical glitches and how these technical glitches were overcome. I kept note of any child safety concerns on the platform, I researched what age students could be to use Roblox Studio effectively and what opportunities for learning were there. Needless to say, the kids taught me a lot.

We quickly found that the 4 desktop iMacs were not sufficient for the growing number of enthusiasts so at lunch and recess times I began borrowing laptops from around the school to provide greater access for students. Adding 6 devices for a total of 10 helped to provide enough devices for students to have a turn every second or third day. Interest and demand has only grown over the last 2 years despite the many technical glitches evident in running Roblox Studio and the frustration of having so many students with so few devices. This in no way dampened enthusiasm since students would crowd around one computer in deep and energetic discussion about what could or should be built into a game.

The biggest challenge has been how to manage the very high levels of excitement the students have. Excited students would sometimes have trouble holding back the urge to take over from a novice student or from pushing other students aside. This enthusiasm has proven to be a great asset as students have been learning that a group that disintegrates into bickering and fighting is not sustainable and not fun for anyone. A key learning opportunity for this group has been building an understanding over time that we need to find ways to work together.

The learning opportunities for this group have been immense and interest in Roblox Studio has grown with students from Year 2 (7 years old) to Year 6 (11 years) joining the eager group of designers. I did initially make the extra computers available at break time but the logistics of getting enough computers ready was to difficult to sustain and the recess break did not allow enough time (10 minutes) for students to set up, log in, create and save their work. Instead, at recess times we set up one laptop connected via Apple TV to a large screen to give more advanced student designers the opportunity to give short masterclasses on different aspects of Roblox Studio. These have been very popular with eager crowds itching to try out new ideas for themselves at lunchtime.

Another spinoff has been the creation of an after-school activity we call “The Enthusiasts”. While students can engage with a variety of  interests (writing, drawing, website design, journalism, and reading), many students enrolled because they wanted to continue using Roblox Studio or 翻墙一点通. Scratch has also been very popular during break-times also using the same ‘play<>create’ cycle. “The Enthusiasts” group began with approximately 12 students in the first term this school year but once word got out that students could use Roblox Studio, this group quickly grew to an upper limit of 19 in the first session. The second session filled quickly and has now expanded in the 3rd session to an upper limit of 28 students with addition of more computers and an extra teacher required to meet the demand.

All access to Roblox Studio has been provided in the elementary library during student open play times – during recess, lunch or after school – so this is an activity that has grown entirely in response to student choice and energy. No promotion was necessary, only curation. Providing access and supporting group norms is all that has been required. The student interest and desire to create has been enough for students to push their skills further.

No product goals or specifications or criteria or benchmarks have been used. These have emerged as a natural consequence of the activity of the students. Students create, build and want to save their work so they can return later to build on what they have done already. They share their achievements amongst each other creating, in essence, their own design specifications and goals that are continually modified as their skills and knowledge build. Observing the worlds other students have built or being introduced to new features by other students has led them back to their designs to modify their approach. Therefore, the learning outcomes specific to Roblox Studio are constantly evolving.

A sustaining feature of Roblox Studio has been that complete novice students as young as 7 years old can begin creating in much the same way as they would in a playground sandpit (or sandbox). This makes Roblox Studio very accessible for students (and adults and novice librarians) who have no prior knowledge of this tool. This very low entry barrier provides an easy onramp for students who have an initial inkling of interest. Once on the platform, students have endless opportunities to build, create, code and play.

Both boys and girls have shown interest although it has taken an concerted effort to ensure girls feel confident enough to give it a try. Crowds of enthusiastic boys can deter girls and individual students from approaching so making space for all students to gain access has been a priority. Girls currently make up approximately 30% of all users in our library although this varies daily. Students of all ages between 7 – 11 have found access points to gradually develop advanced skills in Roblox game design and coding. As a result, the energy around Roblox Studio in the library has never dropped, only grown.

How it ends

There is no end in sight. The opportunities for building a community of practice around Roblox Studio that powers learning for students is too good to pass up. The potential for continuing to support a strong community of practice is ongoing and continues to allow powerful learning for students to emerge. I still do not see any need to create specific design goals or product outcomes since students generate these as a natural consequence of being a part of this community and in response to their own learning. Formative assessment of their access, use, collaboration and actions demonstrates clear progression in their skills, hopes, enthusiasm, designs, collaborative skills, mentoring skills and most importantly, their desire to continually push themselves further is overwhelming.

I plan to create opportunities for student-led master classes to reinforce the potential for students to develop their skills. Again, the content of these can be left up to the students although I do help them think through possible options and ways they could make these sessions relevant to their peers. I will also look for opportunities to highlight student games that are published on Roblox. Playing online Roblox games is currently blocked at our school however they can play these games at home if they wish to. Playing other student’s games takes the collaborative aspects Roblox to another level of design iteration. Gaining user feedback and improving designs based on feedback is an authentic way for developers to build their knowledge and skills.

记者暗访天通苑:超大型社区防控难度仍较大--北京频道--人民网:2021-3-6 · 纸质出入证很容易伪造。 为阻止翻墙,物业加装了铁丝网。 社区里护栏低矮,难众彻底封闭管理。 近日,天通苑出现假社区出入证的事件引发市民 ...

I also hope that students can find ways to connect their learning to the curriculum and classroom learning. The informal connections are already present even if most students are not currently consciously aware of it. Mathematics, reading and writing are all deeply embedded in Roblox however students simply describe their experience as one of “playing Roblox”. In actuality they are designing, creating, collaborating, communicating, self-regulating, and learning proportion, geometry, shape, pattern, measurement, distance, procedure, logic and much more at every turn. I do not wish to overburden the Roblox experience by making this explicit for students however there would be ways to make the connection between the curriculum and their experiences in the Roblox community in natural and emergent ways. Having a classroom teacher participate in our next term after school activity should help to give us ideas about how we can make these connections more visible.

The wave of student enthusiasm leading to a strong student driven and diverse learning community has no end in sight. Follow our journey by searching Twitter for “@MLCNIST #RobloxStudio”.

:: Download Roblox Studio here.
:: Roblox Help and support website.
:: Roblox Corporation homepage.
:: Roblox Developer site.
:: Roblox Education support.
:: Roblox blog.
:: Download Roblox game player.

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Roblox Studio: What about child safety?


Other posts about Roblox Studio:
What is Roblox Studio?
Getting started with Roblox Studio in the classroom or library.
Why use Roblox Studio?

A concern that I had early in our Roblox Studio journey was for my responsibility to keep young students safe when entering an online environment. Roblox Studio is a programme that students download onto their computers to work offline so in this form, there are no online risks for students. While Roblox Studio does work offline, a Roblox account is required to begin game building and this account can only be made online. I initially created a library Roblox account so that students did not need to create their own accounts which meant that they would be unable to login at home and this allowed me to closely observe any risks. I did this because I was still learning about how Roblox worked and did not want to be encouraging students into an online environment that I was unprepared to support them in. Using a library account has turned out to be an ideal way for novice students to get the opportunity to explore Roblox Studio without the need to formally enter the Roblox environment by creating their own account.

Continue reading Roblox Studio: What about child safety?
#StudentAgencyChild Safety自由动态网翻墙手机版Roblox Studio


Other posts about Roblox Studio:
What is Roblox Studio?
Getting started with Roblox Studio in the classroom or library.
What about child safety?


If you told your class or some kids you know that you will be using Roblox together, they would pass out with excitement. And that is even before many of them know about what they can do inside Roblox Studio. Show them the creative features available to them and stand aside.

Chief business officer, Craig Donato, puts it like this, “I’d say one of the things that distinguishes Roblox is our mission of bringing the world together through play. And we believe that play, like sleep, is an essential human need. There’s lots of research that shows that play is how we learn to take control of our lives, how to adapt to new challenges, how to collaborate with our peers. And most of all play is also fun, right? It makes them happy. A world at play is better for everyone, not just children. A traditional game has very specific rules, where you have to follow a narrow path, you have to win… That’s not really the experience that you have in Roblox with these wide open worlds that you can just participate in.” – chief business officer, Craig Donato, MCV, 2024.

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#ConnectedLearning#InformationLiteracyLearning through play自由之门手机版32


Figure 1: What is Roblox Studio. Screenshot, Feb 2024, Philip Williams

Here are some key links to get under the hood of the Roblox corporation:

Continue reading What is Roblox Studio?

Learning through play翻墙一点通Video Game Design
Getting started with Roblox Studio in the library or classroom


第1398章 我伔都错了_皇叔心尖宠:王妃要翻墙小说无防盗 ...:皇叔心尖宠:王妃要翻墙无防盗章节,作者星影仙子,第1398章 我伔都错了内容简要:“丁侧妃得不到安定王的宠爱,恐怕再难生个儿子。这样的她,已经没有什么可担心和顾忌的事情。她骂叶瑾,也犯不了七出之罪,不能贬为妾或休弃,何况还有相府那一层关系。

Here are some helpful tips to get you started in your classroom or library:

Continue reading Getting started with Roblox Studio in the library or classroom

翻墙一点通Learning through playRoblox StudioVideo Game Design
Designed for Discovery [audio - Part I & II]


Return to text version [ Part I ] or [ Part II ] 


Return to text version [ Part I ] or [ Part II ] 

Designed for discovery (Part II : Features of discovery)


Continued from “Designed for discovery : Part I”   or 谷歌进驻古巴!那个帮95%古巴人翻墙的大佬却一点都不慌 ...:2021-2-25 · 谷歌进驻古巴!那个帮95%古巴人翻墙的大佬却一点都不慌 | 有事值说009,由什么值得买值友发布在好物社区的真实分享,本文是作者亲身的购买使用感受众及中立消费见解,旨为在广大网友中传播更好的消费主张。

[Feature 1]自由之门浏览器破解版

Now, let’s return to consider the common features of what “discovery” means. Discovery is a transformativeexperience where we have crossed a threshold into an understanding that fundamentally changes us and influences our future actions. After a moment of discovery, we cannot view the world in same way we have in the past. This is where discovery closely parallels the idea of threshold concepts in information literacy where these threshold concepts aredefined as transformative, integrative, irreversible, bounded and troublesome (Visit the Threshold Concepts and Information Literacy website for many freely available resources). An example in my personal experience is my discovery of the world of audiobooks that fundamentally changed my perspective and provided access to books that I would not have read or been able to read previously. Moby Dick read by Anthony Heald, was one of my first audiobooks. When ever I had picked up a copy of Moby Dick, I felt it to be too cumbersome, too much of an epic investment to attempt, however, to have it read to me by a professional voice actor opened up whole new experience of literature and story that was previously obscure to me. This discovery was transformative and fundamentally added to my literary experience. Continue reading Designed for discovery (Part II : Features of discovery)

Designed for discovery (Part I)


Discovery HKK Philip Williams 2.001.jpeg

美国务院批中国封杀推特 却翻墙传播虚假讯息 | www ...:2021-5-1 · 美国国务院发言人摩根·奥特加斯表示,美国注意到中国共产党官员更加主动在推特上的活动,但是,中国政府封杀推特,官员却翻墙传播虚假讯息。 摩根·奥特加斯说:“不幸地,中国禁止人民通过推特发言,中国共产党官员却决定通过推特对外交流,这是有意思的一点。

Click here to go to Part II or China Network Television - 美"无界"等翻墙软件含毒 研发公司 ...:2021-3-11 · 美 无界 等翻墙软件含毒 研发公司有 法轮功 背景,2021年12月1日,维基解密(Wiki Leaks)网站公布了287份文档,这些文档称为间谍文件(Spy File),涉及25个国家和地区的全球监视和监听行业,其中包括了来自160家公司的287份数字监控公司的营销 ... Continue reading Designed for discovery (Part I)


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(10 minute read) Many presentations and articles in education and technology forums begin by saying that the world is becoming more complex than it ever has been before. Let’s pause to consider if this is actually true. By what measure is this assertion being made? What assumptions may underpin such statements? Is the world actually becoming more complex or are we just becoming more aware of the complexity that has always been present? What do we stand to lose if we assume the world is becoming more complex?

There is no doubt that global communication systems are becoming more interconnected and the number of people plugging into these complex networks is increasing so from this perspective, the world is indeed becoming more complex. However, the complexity of the world around us can be measured in many different ways. Continue reading 翻墙要看的 - 收藏夹 - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-3-21 · 翻墙要看的 添加评论 「希特勒与中国人的故事」有历史根据吗? 13 13 赞同 反对 知乎用户 13 人赞同 比方说,一个黑鬼或支那人就因为学习了日耳曼语言,并愿意在未来讲德语,就可众把它伔认同为“日耳曼人”,就可众让它伔手握德国政党的 ...


[ Never underestimate the library element ] by Philip Williams, Librarian

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